

Tuesday 18 February 2014

An Introduction.

I figured it'd only be fitting that I make my first post a little something about myself so you guys, the readers, can get some insight on what I write about and why.

I'm a gamer. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember, so I guess you can say that I was born with a joystick in my hand (hyuk hyuk). Since they were such a big influence on me as a kid, they've helped me along the way during my childhood; reading, writing and vocabulary were things that became second nature to me at an early age, since most games didn't have voice acting back in the day. But they also had a huge impact on who I am as a person - in an interactive medium such as video games, you can take something from a world that the developers created, identify it as your own experience, and build upon it as you continue to grow and learn.

So with that in mind, I have a keen interest in language and literature that flourished because video games helped enable it. Growing up I had an affinity for Squaresoft titles and fighting games, so I spent a lot of my time playing franchises like: 

Final Fantasy 
The Mana Series
Street Fighter
and Front Mission, to name a few.

It's been an interesting journey, playing as many games as I have and taking a little piece of each with me as I walk through life. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that it's one thing for a person to sit down and play a game. It's another thing entirely to figure out why you (don't) enjoy one. To look at all the different aspects: characterization, story arch, theming, central game mechanics, and what have you. Figuring out why you have an opinion on something really does help broaden your horizons and appreciate where a developer is coming from. It also helps in knowing yourself better, which has its own spectrum of advantages outside of gaming. 

When I was about 14, I spent lots of my time writing on the subject, and here (now almost 20) I’ve decided it’s high time to share my passion, questions and views with the world.

Welcome to SavePoint!

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